Lost dimensions, but not what you may think and exactly what you do. The lost dimension is a term coined by Carl Jung to describe the unconscious mind. In his book “Psychology and Alchemy,” he describes how the unconscious mind contains information about our past lives and experiences. Reincarnation? Jung believed that we have access to these memories through dreams and visions. Alchemy fascinated Jung, and he believed that the chemical reactions of the human body were like those of the alchemical process. He saw the unconscious mind as a place where the soul could connect with its own inner self. Cultivation? Progression Fantasy?

The Shadow
Jung described the shadow as the dark side of the personality. To others, it is the id. We all have two sides to us; the conscious and the unconscious. The shadow represents our darker side and contains negative emotions and thoughts that we do not want to acknowledge. We often repress and store these feelings away in the unconscious. When we notice them, they are called projections. Projections are the way we project our fears onto others.
Across the SalvoVerse, the universal soul, the souls, spirits, and pneuma of beings travel the pathways, the ley, dragon, and spirit lines across Reality to and from the Mundane Plane, across the Faerie and Astral Planes and the Spirit Realm. There is the anima mundi or world soul, and the Sacred Forms of the soul itself, where knowledge never dies and cannot be destroyed.
Synchronicity is the name given to events that seem to occur at random but actually follow some kind of pattern. Jung believed synchronicities were messages from the unconscious mind. He thought that people who experienced synchronicities had direct contact with their unconscious minds.
Sixth sense, danger sense, Omni or horse sense, there are even Conceptual Senses, all of which are the greater senses first awakened with the Third Eye and deep cultivation of the mind. For every significant event, there are disturbances to spacetime, the shift reverberates, before and after the event.
Archetypes are patterns of behavior that repeat themselves throughout history. Jung believed archetypes exist in everyone and are present in everything. He believed each person has a unique set of archetypes that make them who they are.
The Hero of the Age, the Van of Life, the Joker, the Messai, the Balance… all these “archetypes” and more.
Collective Unconscious
Jung believed that the collective unconscious is the sum total of all the knowledge and experience of humanity. He believed that the collective unconscious contained all the knowledge of the world and that humans shared the same unconscious mind.
Indeed, across the continuum, all knowledge survives. Great entities fear evanescence, dissolution into the basal knowledge. A great resource, Odin (Wotan) once sought at the Well of Knowledge and the cost of an eye.
Individuation is the process of becoming whole. Jung believed that individuation occurred when we realized our unconscious selves.
Are we one or are we many? Every being or entity is an individual, but the higher one progresses ascending the Celestial Hierarchy, there is a loss of self, a loss of complexity, and, as entities, a loss of individuation?
Collective Consciousness
Collective consciousness is the awareness of the group. Jung believed groups shared a collective unconscious and that the group consciousness was greater than any individual member.
While the infamous Unidgynn merge their consciousness, there are many levels of collective. As one ascends the All-Father (All-Mother) tier of Great Gods, one may achieve the rank of Overgod, ruling over more than one dimension or universe and all those within it.
Journey into the SalvoVerse today!

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