In the worlds of the SalvoVerse, does artificial intelligence exist? Of course! From ancient computer tyrants to cosmic constructs, we can find AI across the SalvoVerse.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that mimics human intelligence and decision-making capabilities. It is being implemented in many industries, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, transportation, and even agriculture. Cyber-farmers? AI is being used to help farmers decide about what to do with their crops, livestock, and land. However, some believe that AI could have negative effects on society if not handled properly. We’ve plenty of examples of that in the SalvoVerse!
Automation refers to the use of machines to perform tasks traditionally done by mortal beings. There are two types of automation: manual and automated. Manual automation involves using machinery to do work that would otherwise require human labor. Things like the self-service kiosks at grocery stores. These kiosks allow customers to scan items and pay for them without having to talk to a cashier. Automated automation uses computers and software to automate processes. Examples include online banking, automatic teller machines, and self-driving cars.
The SalvoVerse includes many examples of both, from fully automated mobile bases and rapid transit vehicles to the PAL units worn by members of the United Forces. The matter, then… is the limited use of sentient AI.
Data collection
Data collection is the gathering of information. This includes data collected from sensors, cameras, and other devices. Data collection helps businesses and organizations learn about their consumers, employees, and products. It also helps them improve their services and products.
The many systems of the United Forces, World Authorities Network, Federal Forces Marshals, and far more nefarious organisations all collect information — not so much simply on citizens and foreign agents terrestrial, alien, and dimensional, but of the monitoring of anomalies and known areas of supernal and supernatural activity.
Algorithms are computer programs designed to solve problems. We often use algorithms in artificial intelligence systems. An algorithm may take input data and produce output data based on rules defined by the programmer. They commonly used algorithms in websites and apps to provide personalized content. For example, algorithms may recommend movies or songs to users based on what they have previously watched or listened to. As insidious as this may be, we live our lives ignoring what else this could mean, enjoying the benefits.
Such algorithms obviously have far older origins across worlds, from ancient civilizations to the star-spanning empires and republics. However, on Earth, these analysing systems and problem solvers have arisen and fallen countless times, from the corrupted days of technological Atlantis to the use by the United Nations organization the Department of Paranormal Intelligence.
Robotics! The science of building robots. Robots are mechanical devices that can move around and perform specific actions. They are commonly used in factories, warehouses, and construction sites. Robots are becoming increasingly popular in agricultural settings. For example, drones are small aerial vehicles that can fly and collect data. Drones can measure things like temperature, humidity, and soil quality. They can also spray pesticides and herbicides on crops.
Our future robotic overlords? Ah, robots. Do androids count? Certainly not all False Kind. From the UF member Power Rig, or the villainous Cybro-nemesis, to the creations of the mad Jeid Taldmun, and the mammoth form of the Black Bishop, robots are everywhere — with an without AI, for some have souls!
Machine learning
Machine learning is the practice of teaching computers how to think. Emphasis on the “teaching.” Or at least, there should be guidance by mortal beings. Computers can now teach themselves how to complete certain tasks. For example, a machine learning system might “watch” videos of people playing video games and then try to play the game itself. A computer program can also teach itself to recognize patterns in images and sounds. How much guidance should there be by human hands?
How many times has this gone wrong? Dare we mention the unknown lords of the Devastators Union?
Genetic engineering & Biotechnology
Genetic engineering is the manipulation of genes to create changes in organisms. Genes are the basic units of heredity. They are present in all cells and determine characteristics such as hair color, eye color, and height. Scientists can change these genes to develop new traits in plants, animals, and microorganisms.
AI applications in biotechnology include drug target identification, drug screening, image screening, and predictive modeling. AI is also used to review scientific literature and manage clinical trial data, analyzing vast amounts of data.
Oh boy, don’t go there. Bioengineering? Dr. The and his many hideous creations. The very origins of the Devastators. Millions of years in the past in the dark avenues of Lemuria… and the rise of the “Snake Cult.”
The future?
From the uncanny threat of the Island to the Power Siphon plaguing the Iscerian dimension, the threat of AI is real, but how will it shape our future?
All Content TM & © 2007-2024, the First Salvo Partners, Thaddeus Branco. All Rights Reserved.
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