March Madness indeed! What a month. Secrets revealed.
Here at A First Salvo, the Salvonites remain busy! A new series plotted and the first novel outlined. A further two series in development. Battle Avatars books one and two revised additions awaiting release.
Battle Avatars’ revision tightens points and polishes the titles for the audience of progression fantasy. Our series delves into several core secrets of the SalvoVerse and in revising the books, we revealed some of them, while honing the end of book one and start of book two. The transition between the two asks further questions and sets the tone for the continuation of the series in the future. The scope and risk David Grey finds himself in is apparent.
We hope you enjoy or experience it for the very first time.
Join us soon for the announcement of the Battle Avatars revision releases!
Want to stay up-to-date? Follow author Ed White and the Battle Avatars page on Facebook for daily interaction.

Creativity is doing!