Tag Archives: Wuxia

Find your path, defeat the arrogant young master!

From the ancient times of Atlantis and before, to the far-flung future of 2333, understanding and mastery of the life force is a central theme of the SalvoVerse, whether in progression fantasy or Wuxia and Xianxia tales.


Qi, KI, or Chi means “vitality” or “energy”. Qi is the life force flowing throughout the entire body via meridians (channels). These channels are pathways along which qi flows in specific parts of the body. There are twelve primary meridians and eight secondary ones.

The primary meridians are:

Large Intestine Meridian – at the front of the abdomen

Stomach Meridian – between the navel and the solar plexus

Spleen Meridian – below the rib cage

Lung Meridian – above the collarbone

Bladder Meridian – near the genitals

Kidney Meridian – at the back of the knees

Urinary Bladder Meridian – at the bottom of the feet

Pericardium Meridian – at the center of the chest

Heart Meridian – at the heart

Small Intestine Meridian – under the arm pit

Triple Burner Meridian – at the top of the head

Gallbladder Meridian – at both sides of the neck


The eight extraordinary vessels are:

Conception Vessel (Ren Mai)

Governing Vessel (Du Mai)

Penetrating Vessel (Chong Mai)

Girdle Vessel (Dai Mai)

Yin linking vessel (Yin Wei Mai)

Yang linking vessel (Yang Wei Mai)

Yin Heel Vessel (Yin Qiao Mai)

Yang Heel Vessel (Yang Qiao Mai)


Taoist philosophy and the Path

Two forces compose Reality. In nature, these energies are constantly changing and moving back and forth between each other. When they become balanced, things happen naturally. However, if one side becomes dominant over the other, then imbalance occurs. To maintain balance, one must follow a path to the Dao—the Path. Not everyone is conscious of their path…


Cultivation is the art of balancing the two energies in order to achieve harmony. If you cultivate well, then you will have a harmonious relationship with your environment. You should strive to create a balance in your surroundings, whether it’s at home, work, school, or any other place where you spend time. By cultivating, one will learn how to live harmoniously with others and the world around you.

Qi Gong

Qi Gong is a practice that focuses on cultivating the body and mind. Through the foundation of the body and of the mind, we can control our destiny. It teaches the proper use of the body to improve and become stronger.


Qigong is a combination of qi (energy) and gong (meditation), focusing on breath and relaxation.

Martial Arts

Kung fu is a style of self-defense that emphasizes the use of hand strikes, kicks, and elbow strikes. Ensuring protection of oneself from harm and to bring peace to the mind.

Tai Chi is a martial art that combines meditation, breathing techniques, and physical movements, helping develop focus and concentration, increase flexibility, and promote longevity.


Yoga is a system of exercise and meditation that promotes mental and physical wellness. It helps relax the mind and body, and to gain greater awareness.


All Content TM & © 2007-2024, the First Salvo Partners, Thaddeus Branco. All Rights Reserved.

Get the Battle Avatars revised editions on Amazon today!

Want to stay up-to-date? Follow author Ed White and the Battle Avatars page on Facebook for daily interaction.

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Way of the Shaman? Methods before magic and madness!

In our new series by Ed White, the way of the shaman intertwines with the endless need to exorcise the malicious spirits and Fell Kind that threaten Earth. While we won’t explore shamanism today, let’s take a brief look into some methods to travel worlds and expand the mind from a “medicinal” or chemical approach…

Magic Mushrooms

The magic mushroom fungus grows naturally in the wild, known for its hallucinogenic effects. There are many varieties of mushrooms cultivated for millennia for their psychoactive properties, including psilocybin, mescaline, and ibotenic acid.

Did the human brain evolve because of exposure to fungi, specifically psychoactive mushrooms? The shamans of the northern stretches of Siberia and Mongolia used such mushrooms.


Bufo alvarius toadstools are psychedelic mushrooms that grow naturally throughout the world. The infamous “magic” mushrooms! Bufo leaves contain the same chemical compounds as psilocybin mushrooms, although it produces much less of them.


Kratom is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia. Its leaves commonly chewed or brewed into a tea to produce a mild narcotic effect.

Like the crimson plants of the Matsureda, with outright psychic-inducing properties, or the legendary tea of Granny Meng, they knew of such teas within the cultures, societies, and sects of the SalvoVerse.


DMT is a powerful psychedelic substance that comes from the pineal gland. Many people believe DMT causes lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences. It is possibly the active ingredient in ayahuasca, a traditional South American drink.

Salvia divinorum is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows in Mexico and Central America. It has long been used in shamanistic rituals and religious ceremonies. Salvia divinorum contains salvinorin A, a potent hallucinogen.

The SalviaVerse? Certainly known to the people of the Escuridado, the insidious Escuridon, and their masters, the Tezca Lords. Read about them in Otherwest: Diablero, free on Royal Road.


LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a psychedelic drug first synthesized in 1938, but produced naturally in certain species of the genus Eleusine and is present in trace amounts in various seeds. It is a strong hallucinogen that causes users to experience visual distortions, hallucinations, and extreme states of euphoria.

What mad trips are experienced with LSD? Is it truly the opening of the Third Eye? Does it awaken, or simply enhance, chemicals produced by the pineal gland? Who is to say?

As Battle Avatars unfolds, David Grey believes the Lenscape is entered via the use of LSD…


“Yeah, man, it’ll balance out your heart rate and settle you down. It sets your right up to enter REM sleep and enter Lenscape.”

“So LSD,” I say. “That explains the colors.”

Read more in Battle Avatars by author Ed White.

Cannabis Sativa

Cannabis sativa is the scientific name given to marijuana. It is a flowering plant that belongs to the Cannabaceae family. It is native to central Asia and widely cultivated today. Cannabis sativa contains over 60 cannabinoids, of which delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the primary psychotropic cannabinoid.

Disclaimer: A First Salvo and the First Salvo Partners do not endorse the use and/or possession of any illegal drugs.


All Content TM & © 2007-2024, the First Salvo Partners, Thaddeus Branco. All Rights Reserved.

Get the Battle Avatars revised editions on Amazon today!

Want to stay up-to-date? Follow author Ed White and the Battle Avatars page on Facebook for daily interaction.

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